What is Andesine Gemstone?
Andesine stone is a rare gemstone that belongs to the plagioclase feldspar mineral group. It was first discovered in the Andes Mountains of South America, hence its name. Andesine has a unique and attractive orange-red to red color, which is caused by the presence of trace amounts of copper. It can also come in other colors such as yellow, green, and blue, and it is sometimes marketed under trade names such as "Sunstone" or "Oregon Sunstone."
Andesine Gemstone
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What are the properties of Andesine Gemstone?
Andesine Properties
Andesine Metaphysical Properties
Andesine beads is so similar to andesine labradorite gemstone, the gemstone has similar metaphysical capabilities. It's also believed andesine has abilities closely related to sunstone. Andesine is associated with the heart chakra and is used to dispel negativity while providing clarity to one's thoughts.
Andesine Healing Properties
Andesine’s energy is considered incredibly healing for your physical body. As a stone that clears negative energy, it clears away many distressing physical ailments that can worsen and impact the quality of life.
Some of the healing traits include:
- Regulate your circulatory system
- Remedy eye and brain diseases
- Ease chronic pain
- Regulate your respiratory system
- Regulate your metabolism
Where is Andesine found?
Andesine was first discovered in the Andes Mountains of South America, specifically in the region that is now part of Bolivia. However, Andesine is also found in other parts of the world, including:
- Australia
- Canada
- Colombia
- Germany
- India
- Madagascar
- United States (California, Main, Oregon)
What is Andesine used for?
Andesine is primarily used as a gemstone in jewelry making. Its unique and attractive colors, hardness, and durability make it a popular choice for use in rings, necklaces, earrings, and other types of jewelry.
In addition to its use in jewelry, Andesine also has some industrial applications. It is sometimes used in the manufacture of ceramics and glass, where it can act as a fluxing agent, helping to lower the melting temperature and improve the properties of these materials.
What color is Andesine Gemstone?
Andesine gemstone can come in various colors, including red andesine gemstone, orange-red, yellow, green, and blue. Its color is caused by the presence of trace amounts of copper, and the most valuable variety is the red one. Some Andesine gemstones may also exhibit aventurescence, which creates a sparkling effect.
Where to buy Andesine Gemstone?
You can buy andesine gemstones from various sources, such as:
- Jewelry stores
- Online gemstone retailers
- Gem and mineral shows
- Andesine beads wholesale
Also, while you choose to buy andesine gemstone online be sure to purchase from reputable sellers to check the quality and authenticity to ensure that it is genuine stones.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is andesine rare?
A: Andesine is considered to be a relatively rare gemstone. While it can be found in many locations around the world, transparent specimens of Andesine are relatively uncommon, and most specimens are opaque. The most valuable variety of Andesine is the red variety, which is sometimes referred to as "Red Andesine" or "Red Sunstone," and this type of Andesine is a particularly rare gemstone.
Q: Does andesine change color?
A: Andesine is a feldspar mineral with color-changing potential. Not all of the andesine color change to different colors. Instead, they typically have relatively stable colorations, either looking red, green, or yellow.
Q: What is andesine worth?
A: Andesine can be quite affordable, particularly in its rough form, which typically sells for between $7 and $20 per carat. Lower-quality rough specimens can be found for as little as $0.70 per carat. Faceted andesine is rarer and more expensive, with prices ranging from $50 to $150 per carat for high-quality gems and starting at around $10 to $20 per carat for lower-quality ones. Cabochons are priced between $10 and $60 per carat. The price of andesine jewelry varies depending on several factors, including gem quality, the alloys used, and any other gems included in the design. For instance, rings can range from $100 to $20,000, bracelets from $45 to $1000, and pendants from $50 to $3400.
Q: What does andesine symbolize?
A: Andesine is believed to symbolize love, compassion, and emotional balance. It is thought to promote inner peace and harmony, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. Andesine is also believed to enhance mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual awareness, allowing individuals to connect more deeply with their inner selves and the world around them. Overall, andesine is considered to be a stone of positivity, grounding, and healing.
Q: Is andesine a natural?
A: A recent discovery of natural gem-quality andesine, a plagioclase feldspar, was made in Tibet, China. This unique gem, which contains natural copper, is highly prized for its rarity and distinctive color. Typically, it appears as an intense orange-red to red, though some green specimens are also occasionally found.
Q: What is the strongest natural gem?
A: The hardest natural gemstone is diamond, which has a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. The Mohs scale is a system that measures a mineral's resistance to scratching by other minerals. A diamond is so hard that it can only be scratched by another diamond. Other minerals, such as corundum (which includes sapphires and rubies) and topaz, are also relatively hard, but they are not as hard as diamond.
Q: Is color change andesine rare?
A: Most of the red andesine available in the market originated from Mongolia and underwent color treatment to transform it from its original sunflower yellow to a stunning orange-red shade. While green and color-change andesine are also highly prized and beautiful, they are considered rare and harder to come by.