Spessartite gemstone
Spessartite Gemstone is one of the rarest and most valuable gemstones of the Garnet family and has captivated gem collectors and jewelry designers all over the world. Usually orange to reddish brown spessartite garnets are rare. However, they come in popular varieties like mandarin and Malaya garnets as well as color-changing gems that are used in blends with other garnet species.
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What is a spessartite garnet?
Spessartite garnet is a semi-precious stone with a brilliant orange color. It is one of the members of the garnet mineral family which is the collective name for a number of closely related minerals that combine to make significant gemstones. In the trade, the gemstone spessartite is frequently referred to as spessartine garnet along with the name garnet.
It has become a highly popular gemstone for jewelry because of its vibrant hues, fiery brilliance, and exceptional durability.
In Western culture, it is recommended to wear this rare kind of garnet as the birthstone for the month of January to ensure good fortune for the wearer.
Types of spessartite garnet Gemstone?
Malaya garnet - a reddish-orange kind of spessartite garnet that originates in the Umba River Valley in Tanzania and Kenya (or, more precisely, a combination of spessartite and pyrope). Spessartite is occasionally referred to by this phrase as a synonym.
Mandarin garnet - a bright orange to orange-red Spessartite Garnet usually originates from Namibia and Mozambique in Africa.
Namibian garnet - a vibrant orange-red color Spessartite Garnet from Namibia.
Tangerine garnet - a light orange to orange-yellow Spessartite Garnet, usually originating from Namibia and Mozambique in Africa.
What are the properties of the spessartite garnet gemstone?
Spessartite most frequently found in orange, deep reddish-orange, rich golden orange with red flashes, yellowish-orange, and deep red are the colors and it exhibits good transparency and luster. Usually, it is carved in a mixed, oval, or round shape. It has a hardness between 6.5 and 7.5 on the mineral hardness scale developed by Mohs.
The Spessart district in Bavaria, Germany, gave rise to the name of this stone.
The most common locations for spessartine include Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Madagascar, and Brazil.
A good brilliance is expected due to the high refraction of spessartite, which ranks sixth in terms of the refractive index after demantoid, diamond, sphene, and zircon.
This stone can be found in Granite Pegmatites with Albite, Muscovite, and Quartz, as well as in Blueschist or metamorphic rocks with Riebeckite and Quartz.
Healing properties of Spessarite Gemstone
These crystals have many wonderful healing properties and will promote healing on all etheric body levels to aid in the recovery of the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
The healing vibration of the spessartine garnet is quite strong but mild, and it penetrates every part of the body.
- Stress may be reduced and intense feelings of peace and harmony may be produced by this energy.
- These stones are renowned for helping to repair a variety of internal functions, including the heart, lungs, and blood-related illnesses, as well as spinal problems.
- The sexual organs, which are ruled by the base chakra and are represented by the color red, are strongly resonant with these deep red color stones.
- They are known to be beneficial in treating a variety of sexual issues, and when combined with their energy to boost creativity, they may also operate on a procreative level to help infertile couples.
- This includes assisting with gastrointestinal problems, calming digestive troubles, and assisting with bowel problems.
- They may be helpful for people who are lactose- or soy-intolerant and are thought to speed up the healing of bacterial infections in the stomach region.
- They are well known for their ability to relieve muscle pain and may be helpful for those suffering from a variety of allergy conditions, including seasonal allergies that may cause lung damage.
- They are also proven to be effective in treating conditions like emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma.
- They are supposed to aid in the recovery of a calcium or magnesium deficiency by helping your body digest these minerals.
Where is spessartite found?
Spessartine was first found in Bavaria and later found in Virginia's Rutherford Mines. Currently, the most important sources of spessartine are in Namibia and Nigeria, although it is also mined in Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Zambia.
What color is spessartite?
The color of the spessartite garnet is determined by one of its constituent elements since it is idiochromatic. Manganese, which gives an orange tint, is that substance. If the manganese were removed, the substance would cease to be spessartite. As a result, orange is the sole primary color of spessartite.
However, the color can be slightly altered by combining it with iron in the form of almandine. A deeper, reddish color occurs as a result. All shades of orange, from the color of ripe peaches to a deep orange-red, can be found in spessartite garnet. The most expensive specialty is an intense, slightly rosy orange.
Where to buy spessartite garnet gemstones?
Do you want to buy a spessartine garnet? You've arrived at the right place.
National Facet the best Gemstone Manufacturers in USA sells high-quality natural Spessartite Garnet loose stones, along with a FREE Gem Certificate.
You may get a great deal on a wide range of spessartine garnets online from our website. Shop now for an exclusive collection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a spessartite garnet good for?
A: Spessartine Garnet inspires everyone to take action in the direction of our dreams, visions, and goals by stimulating all areas of creativity in both energy and skill. It encourages positivity, assurance, boldness, and action. Spessartine garnet is related to Virgo's pragmatic, grounded personality.
Q: Is spessartite rare?
A: Yes, it is one of the rare and most valuable gemstones of the garnet mineral family.
Q: How do you identify spessartite?
A: The orange color of a spessartite garnet can be used to identify it. The fact that garnet occurs in metamorphic rock, along with its hardness (6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale), color, refractive index, and cubic crystal structure, set it aside from other gem varieties.
Q: What is the difference between mandarin garnet and spessartite garnet?
A: Mandarin garnet and spessartite garnet are two different names for the same kind of garnet. The bright color of spessartite garnet, which can vary from orange to red, is well-known.
Mandarin garnet is as pure an orange as this variety can be, in contrast to spessartite garnet gemstones, which come in a variety of orange hues.
Q: What are orange garnets called?
A: Mandarin Spessartite Garnet, a rare kind of orange garnet, is frequently called Mandarin Garnet due to its stunning orange color. These gems actually come in a variety of hues, including orange-red, reddish-orange, and yellowish-orange.
Q: What is the difference between hessonite and spessartite garnet?
A: Hessonite's refractive index ranges from 1.731 to 1.754, while spessartine's range from 1.795 to 1,985, which is beyond the capabilities of a standard refractometer. Additionally, hessonite can be distinguished by its usual impurities.
Although garnet is most frequently associated with a deep, red stone, the term really refers to a larger range of minerals that can exist in a variety of colors. Hessonite, a kind of grossularite garnet, is recognised by its warm, yellow to reddish tone.
Q: What is the rarest red garnet?
A: Demantoid garnet is the most expensive and rarest garnet, which is also one of the most uncommon colored gemstones. It is renowned for its fire and brilliance.